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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000


The study was the Assessment of Staff and Student’s Utilization of Routine Medical Checkup in Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Medical Centre. The objectives were to determine whether staff and students of ABU, Zaria are aware of routine medical check-up, to determine the attitude of staff and students of ABU, Zaria towards routine medical check-up, to investigate the utilization patterns of routine medical check-up by staff and students of ABU, Zaria, and to ascertain the factors influencing the utilization of routine medical checkup among staff and students of ABU, Zaria from carrying out routine medical check-up. Relevant literature were reviewed in line with the study objectives and the Desire, Belief Oppotunity theoryand health belief model were adopted to explain the phenomenon being studied. The study was conducted in Ahmadu Bello University main campus Zaria. The study population were Ahmadu Bello University Staff and Students. Both probability and non probability sampling techniques were adopted to select the sample for the study.total of 287 respondents were drawn across the five(5) selected faculties in A.B.U. main campus. The quantitative data collected using the questionnaire were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 20) while data ( indepth interview) were transcribed and presented in prose form.Based on the research conducted, the study found out that majority of staff 87.3% and significant proportion 76.9% of students are aware that ABU medical centre carries out routine medical checkups, majority 91.2% 0f students and 87.3% of staff stated that they carry out routine medical checkup only when they sick.The study gathered that 75.5% of the respondents said they have anxiety to checkup because of the result of the test which affect their decision to seek for medical examination, 80.7% of the respondents said that long waiting time in ABU medical centre hinders them from going for medical examination,73.8% of them said that poor communication between the doctors and patients influence their decision to seek medical assistance in ABU Medical Centre, in conclusion most of the staff and students are aware of routine medical checkup, and are also aware that ABU Medical Centre carries out routine medical checkups. Most of the students got their information during orientation programmes organized for new students on admission and the staff got their information from friends and collegues.most of the respondents do not go for routine medical checkup, their reasons for non participation were fear of the detection of abnormal diseases, fear of stigma and lack of time and only attend medical checkup they are sick..It was suggested that awareness and sensitization programs should be intensified and taken round staff offices and students hostels in ABU,staff and students should develop a positive attitude towards routine medical checkup to prevent the negative effect on them and the University management should improve the medical facilities and supply adequate drugs at the health centre for Staff and Students.There should also be urgent institutional educational programes to improve knowledge, inculcate the right attitude and promote behaviour that prevent neglegence of proper health care.


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